Why do you worship on Saturday?
Saturday is the seventh day of the week - the same day observed as the Sabbath for thousands of years. Instituted at Creation and codified into law through Moses, this day was recognized as Holy by the Patriarchs, ancient Israel, and the Apostles. Over the course of centuries, some early Christian churches transferred their day of worship to Sunday. Most mainstream Christian churches keep with this tradition, but we honor the example Jesus and the New Testament church set in recognizing the Lord’s plan for the seventh day of the week to be kept Holy.
Why do you call yourselves “Independent”?
Since 1995 we have not been connected to any other church organization. Although we have good working relationships with other ministries (Common Faith Network, Christian Educational Ministries, Church of God International) we are a fully autonomous church. Our decisions are made by the Committee of the Whole, and we are governed by a Board chosen by and from the congregation. Our church is supported by the tithes and offerings of its members and is served by members who volunteer their time and energy to our church family.
Do you have to be a member to attend?
There are no requirements to come and worship with us. You can even be an active member of another church. Many of our members visit other churches from time to time. Becoming a voting member does require a certain level of commitment.
Are you Jewish?
No, we are Christians and believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and was resurrected to sit at the right hand of his Father in heaven. We do believe that God’s plan of salvation began with the laws and Holy Days that He revealed to His people in the Old Testament and that they have not been “done away with” as many Christians believe.