Many people are a little apprehensive about visiting a new church. We would like to set your mind at ease about visiting our congregation.We want you to feel comfortable.

What happens during Sabbath service?
Our services generally contain all of the following components: opening and closing prayers, congregational singing of mostly traditional hymns, announcements, a scripture reading, special music or a contemporary music video, and a Bible-based message from one of the members of our speaking team. Typically services last about an hour and 15 minutes. We encourage everyone to stay for snacks and fellowship after services.

Do you have a program for children?
We would love for your child to participate in our Sabbath School Program. During the sermon portion of our worship service, we have primary and Tween/Teen classes where children can learn about the Bible and grow special friendships.

What is your congregation like?
We are a diverse congregation that reflects the fact that God's church is for all people. We have singles, young families, and empty-nesters, blue-collar workers, business-people, tradesmen, students, and retirees. Some of our members have been Sabbath-keepers their whole lives, while others are new to this understanding. But the most important thing about our congregation is that we are a church that loves God, loves His people, and welcomes all who wish to share in our worship of Him.
Is there a dress code?
While some peoples dress more casually for worship, others wear their Sabbath best. No one will be turned away based on their attire, but we do believe that we are entering the presence of the Lord as we participate in services, and so we believe one should present oneself accordingly.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?
No, visitors are not asked to stand up or wear a ribbon, but you may be greeted and welcomed by members of our church family. We want you to feel at home. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask any friendly face - we do not have assigned greeters.
Does your church take an offering?
We do not pass an offering plate during weekly Sabbath services. We have a collection basket for tithes and offerings at the back of the church, but please don’t feel any obligation to give when you are visiting.
What sorts of social activities do you have?
After services each day, we stay for snacks and fellowship. We frequently have potlucks or special events, such as our Chili Cook-off or Back-to-School Splash, at which we have a big meal and spend time getting to know one another in a less buttoned-down atmosphere (check our Calendar of Events for specific dates.)