People search out God to find a Salvation they can’t achieve on their own. But if faith in Jesus Christ is the answer, do we have a role to play in our own redemption?
Scripture reveals to us the most important day in the history of mankind. The day when every individual is held accountable for the choices they have made. Do we have any say in how that day works out for us?
At the foundation of the Christian faith is the belief in the life and divinity of Jesus Christ. From its inception, the church has been challenged by skeptics who question the accuracy of the biblical account. But more and more, these challenges are coming from those who profess to believe.
For some Christians, being faithful to God means addressing the big issues that trouble the world today. But the small things can make a big impact on someone in need. And we’re told that God notices seemingly insignificant acts of kindness.
As we grow in our faith, we come to realize that it was not our own righteousness that led us to find God, but that He chose us. This leads us to the question: why would God choose one person and not another? And what obligations come with being “chosen”?