
"Moralism and Hedonism" by Sam Jones

"Moralism and Hedonism" by Sam Jones

Sometimes living righteously leads to a life filled with suffering and adversity. A study in the life and trials of Job reveals much concerning what God requires of man. At first glance, it is easy to equate doing good works with accomplishing God’s will. But do we have the humility to surrender our lives to His direction?

"Weathering Science" by Jim Eason

"Weathering Science" by Jim Eason

Science has become the new authority in many people’s lives. But how accurate has science been in the past in explaining the workings of the world? And how disciplined are people today at keeping to its principles? What place should it have in the minds of believers and how much influence should it have in our decision making?

"To Strengthen a Heart" by Chris Gregor

"To Strengthen a Heart" by Chris Gregor

Life is hard. And the higher your standards, the harder it’s going to get. Facing the hard truths of reality require an inner strength that doesn’t just happen by chance. We must face the challenges of existence with a focused determination to overcome any obstacle that gets in our way. And sometimes…we need help from others.