God's Promises

"What Could Have Been" by Chris Gregor

"What Could Have Been" by Chris Gregor

There are innumerable chance occurrences within the flow of world events that could have changed the course of history. Within our own lives we often reflect upon our past actions and wonder “what if” things had turned out differently. But if we believe that God is in control, does that mean all things were meant to happen the way they did? Even the bad things?

"Forward Thinking" by Jim Eason

"Forward Thinking" by Jim Eason

What is God doing? This is one of the great mysteries that wise men have searched out and longed to understand. From the beginning, God has given man insight into how history would turn out. Inspired words have been written down for thousands of years, providing context for the impactful events of history…for those who bother to read them.