Hidden within the instructions for observing these “sacred assemblies,” we are given clues to a much more important requirement that God makes of His people.
Man has always sought freedom…and there has always been a need to seek. The Bible reveals the source of bondage and provides a path to regain liberty - for those willing to follow it.
Baking your bread without leaven for use in religious observances is a practice that goes back thousands of years. It was used to consecrate something as holy and represents a spiritual cleansing that has implications for believers today.
Unleavened bread is not prominently mentioned in Christian traditions and observances. What is the significance of this unconventional substance? What role does it play in the spiritual growth of each believer?
How many people have wished to see God or at least have access to His presence? But it is our own choices that have prevented this from happening. God has made a way and has left clues as to how we can find Him…but are we listening?
Scripture records the encounters with demonic forces that Jesus and the first believers experienced. Do these forces exist in our world today? If so, then how do they manifest themselves and how to we confront them?
Suffering is everywhere. Why? When we are asked the cause, we blame each other. But the real reason is because the Devil has great influence over men. But One has taken the blame and suffered so men may be free from the devil.
Our world is full of messages that promote the pursuit of our desires. Materialism and commercialism permeate every corner our society. What effect does this have on our national character? And where should we be focusing our desire?