Babylon Lives!
By Sam Jones (from 2/3/15)
Well, I've been thinking again… and haven't worked for 5 weeks, so I've had a lot of time to think, even though wrestling with the cancer problem we have in our family. I got back from my job site a little while ago and thought I would try to express a few of those thoughts.
I have always wondered WHO we owe the national debt to. Who do other nations owe their debt to?
I heard Judge Napalitano say on Fox this morning that President Wilson borrowed $30M to finance WWI... and we have NOT paid off that debt yet! HUH?? I'm beginning to think that no politicians are really concerned about how many trillions we go into debt, because it is NEVER intended to be paid off - just paid on forever.
Ever wonder how Greece managed to survive after all we heard about their dire straits? I have heard that WWII was financed by consort-ions that financed both the allies and the axis powers because the winner would then be indebted to them forever, and all that money would be easily recovered. But WHO is it that loans this money? China? Who do they get their money from? With all this "debt" that all nations have, who do you think determines who holds office in those nations? Just imagine that the USA cannot pay off a $30M debt from the early 1900's and the only reason I can come up with is that it was never intended to be paid off, but rather used to enslave, and it happens over and over to nations and peoples willing to do so. It's kind of like the old stories of one selling his soul to the Devil, but in this case, nations have sold their souls and peoples to Babylon while getting a "reward" up front, but then find themselves in captivity!
Babylon seems to be alive and well, though not as overt as in the days of Nimrod... but it will come back I believe - with one who claims to be above anything that is called god. The whole world is in captivity and doesn't even know it. Jesus said He came to free the captives, and to whom is the world in captivity other than the Devil and his system of Babylon? I personally believe this nation and others have been greatly blessed by God because of promises made to Abraham a long time ago, and those who are blessed don't even know why, or who they are, and if they knew who they are and why they are blessed - they wouldn't want it because the human mind is enmity against God. But... those blessings come even inside this worldwide system of Babylon, because God dictated it so and "tweaked" conditions to make it happen. Remember how God protected and cared for Judah while they were captives in Babylon itself? Jesus prayed that the Father would keep his saints from the world, but not take them out of the world (Babylon). God can and will do whatever He wills, even in this Babylonian system.
Satan is a destroyer, and all this confusion - killing, wars, financial shenanigans, etc… is a part of that Babylonian system that has been in effect for all of mankind's days on earth. Revelation speaks of Babylon falling - and who cried and cried over it? Those who were made rich by that system and felt that they controlled it. God told Israel that if they obeyed Him, they would be lenders and not borrowers. Those who borrow are indebted to the lender and are, even in that sense, "captive." The Devil offered Jesus the world, basically, if He would agree to submit to him within that Babylonian system that he has set up to rule the world in confusion, because that is all he knows. He is of an unsound mind and he passes it along with great subterfuge parading as an angel of light. But this IS the world we live in. The command found in Revelation to "come out of her my people," seems to me not to just apply to some future time, but to all times.
Jesus came to "free the captives," but not all are called to that freedom yet. Babylon will continue to hold captives until Jesus returns and locks the Devil and his cohorts away, while providing true freedom to mankind that has not been known since the very beginning in the Garden of Eden. But this time there won't be a "serpent" to deceive and trick mankind; the world will be FULL of the knowledge of the Lord for a 1000 years, and what a relief that will be for humanity and the earth itself!
It seems that I have come to see and understand just what "Babylon" is in a way that I haven't recognized before to the same degree. Some are freed - some are "called out of the world" - and for the most part those called out and chosen ones are not appreciated by the rest of the Babylonian system because they are still captive! Having the knowledge we have been blessed with, having been called out of Babylon and been freed - redeemed from the earth - can we better understand why Jesus could pray "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they do," or how Stephen while being unjustly and horribly killed could pray "Father lay not this charge to them"? We DO have to live in it, and sometimes it is difficult not to be a part of it because it seems so normal, because, until we were called, that was all we knew, living in that mix of "good and evil" which can seem so correct. We aren't the only ones who "cry and sigh," but we have been freed and should all be so thankful for God's grace which has been extended to us as a type of first fruits, you might say. Jesus said He didn't come to condemn the world, so neither should we; because while evil, they are so because they are captive to a harsh task master who hates them.
Anyway, this was on my mind today, and I thought I would put it in print before I forgot it! The good and bad are all around us... and there is good and bad; but it is Babylon. and it is Satan's way, and a mix of good and evil. But we have been redeemed, bought and paid for, so that evil creature has no authority over us in any spiritual sense, and what a tremendous gift that is!