Many people struggle through life with difficulties that others don’t have and maybe don’t see. If God sees all of us as part of the Body of Christ, then their needs should be our needs.
For some Christians, being faithful to God means addressing the big issues that trouble the world today. But the small things can make a big impact on someone in need. And we’re told that God notices seemingly insignificant acts of kindness.
Many believers face a difficult dilemma as they try to remain faithful in a world that doesn’t share their values. Should they stand up for what they believe in, or be quiet and go along with everyone else? Sticking to our principles may cost us now, but will be worth it in the long run.
The natural state of the world can seem hostile to a person who lives by faith. The Grace that God offers to those who believe can be quite the lifeline. But what does God expect us to accomplish with His Grace?
Different churches can share the same mission but use a different administration to fulfill them. Different Christians can have the same beliefs but apply them in different ways. Yet, God has called them all.