God warned His people against the sin of idolatry. But how does this admonition translate into modern culture? In what ways do we worship false gods?
"How Did We Get Here?" by Jim Eason
"Proof of God's Existence" by Jim Eason
"The War on Fatherhood" by Chris Gregor
"The Small Gospel" by Jim Eason
"The War on Motherhood" by Chris Gregor
One of the most fundamental and respected roles in human society is that of motherhood. But that respect seems to have waned in recent years. Modern culture has taken great effort to demean this vocation and increasingly influences young women to choose diverse life goals outside of the traditional family structure. Is this a harmless trend or will our culture see drastic changes in the future?
"Weathering Science" by Jim Eason
Science has become the new authority in many people’s lives. But how accurate has science been in the past in explaining the workings of the world? And how disciplined are people today at keeping to its principles? What place should it have in the minds of believers and how much influence should it have in our decision making?
"Zeitgeist" by Chris Gregor
Much of what we consider common sense can be attributed to the values we glean from our present culture. But values such as these will change with the times to the extent that one generation can be at odds with the next. Is there a transcendent truth that endures despite the moral flux of humanity? And if there is, how do we tap into it?