How many people have wished to see God or at least have access to His presence? But it is our own choices that have prevented this from happening. God has made a way and has left clues as to how we can find Him…but are we listening?
The Bible is filled with messages of hope. Before the world was made, God chose a blessed future for those who love Him. He has great plans for those who are His.
For generations, scholars and theologians have pondered and debated on the nature of God. Throughout history God has been revealing Himself - sometimes in grand and majestic events and sometimes in simple statements hidden in well-known stories.
One of the many roles that Jesus plays is that of the Advocate. He intercedes on our behalf when we mess up. He speaks and acts on our defense whether we deserve it or not. And He gives us access to His presence.
Teaching your children is THE fundamental role of a parent. It is necessary, not only for the healthy maturity of the individual, but also for the stability of a society. This responsibility is so vital, it is not restricted to just parents.
Originally a harvest festival, Pentecost marked a day that God revealed more details about His plan for His people. Later, He gave them the help needed to fulfill that plan.
Baptism was an old custom used to cleanse one of their sins. But in the Christian faith, it means much more than that…it provides a way to become adopted into God’s family.
All that is needed to understand who God is and what He requires of us has been revealed. Everyone has access to this information, but not all believe it. And Faith is more than believing, it is a decision based on evidence. Faith is what you do with the evidence given to you.