We find in antiquity the legends of mighty men, whose stories set the pattern for how history would unfold. But God warned His people about this way of structuring society and much of the Bible is dedicated to revealing the contrast between man’s way and God’s way of doing things.
Much of the truth that God has proclaimed down through the ages has fallen on deaf ears. The plan that God is working has been revealed to those with eyes to see.
Why doesn’t God show Himself to the world? If He wanted to, He could give us indisputable proof of His existence and end all the debates. What if He has, but man chooses not to see it?
God desires to connect with His creation. Much of history consists of God’s plan to reach out to mankind. The story of the Bible tells of man’s response to this calling.
No matter where life takes us, we’re always longing to go home. But home is not a specific location as much as a place we feel we belong - a place where we are loved. As Christians, there is a home we long for, a place we have never been, but has been prepared for us.
The Day of Pentecost is connected to an ancient harvest ritual. But the harvest God is interested in is not comprised of grain. His plans are for all of mankind and direct events far into the future…even beyond our death.
There is a mysterious figure found in the bible: an ancient king and priest who received tithes and blessed Abraham. This enigmatic man stood as a representative of God and foreshadowed the kind of leader Jesus would become.