Many of our conflicts today stem from rivalries of the past. God warned His people that certain behaviors, if they are not corrected, will cause problems in the future.
"Forward Thinking" by Jim Eason
What is God doing? This is one of the great mysteries that wise men have searched out and longed to understand. From the beginning, God has given man insight into how history would turn out. Inspired words have been written down for thousands of years, providing context for the impactful events of history…for those who bother to read them.
"God Wants His Family Back" by Matt Hees
"Just In General" by Sam Jones
"The End" by Sam Jones
"Feast of Trumpets" by Jim Eason
The Feast of Trumpets is a day heavy in meaning. It looks forward to a day of judgment and justice. But some in this world do not wish to see it. Some profit from injustice, are corrupt to their core, and are offended by God’s ways. When God establishes His Kingdom here on earth, those who transgress will be overthrown and cast down, and those who have endured to the end will be exalted.